When it comes to Time and Material or Labor Hour contracts many contractors might not know all of their rights concerning what is an acceptable amount of profit. The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) defines hourly rates in Section 52.232-7, but little case law exists when it comes to interpreting reasonable […]
Many government contractors and other business are standing on the edge of the fiscal cliff that occurs on January 1, 2013; namely, the automatic 10% government-wide across the board cuts known as “sequestration.” For those who have not been watching Congress make sausage, there is a divide between Democrats and […]
In Lopez v. Bombay Pizza Co., 2012 WL 5397192 (S.D. Tex., Nov. 5, 2012) the Court was faced with the issue of defining the scope of a conditionally certified class. In this case, a former cook at Bombay Pizza sued to collect on unpaid overtime wages under the Fair Labor […]
Employee productivity is directly impacted by family care issues. In fact, more employee productivity is spent on elder-care issues than on child-care issues.[ii] It is estimated that as the population continues to grow, most employees will be affected by elder-care issues during their career.[iii] As this trend continues, employers would […]
The Service Contract Act (SCA) generally requires that government contractors on service contracts, with certain limited exceptions, pay a “prevailing wage” to their employees in each specified locality where they have work. Today, we will address the regulatory language and supporting case law that dictate how and at what point […]
The Government is in constant pursuit of later for ways to save money and, for many in the government, there is no better place to do that than on the backs of contractor that serve it. A popular target with the current Administration is the area of executive compensation. It […]
In Richardson v. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. (S.D. Tex., February 2, 2012) and Andel v. Patterson-UTI Drilling Co., LLC, (S.D. Tex., February 15, 2012), the Houston Federal Court sent a clear message to seekers of conditional certification in FLSA collective actions. Namely, it will take much more than an employee’s […]
One issue that seems to yield an endless barrage of confusion in the oil fields and off-shore activities germane to the Texas oil and gas business is the application of a “day rate” to a company’s employees. The Department of Labor (DOL) has promulgated regulations regarding these, and the Courts […]