By Linda H. Evans, Senior Associate. Keeping an eye on the NLRB As August winds down, some NLRB watchers are expecting to see a flurry of activity from the Board. Possible announcements could include one dealing with an expanded view of what constitutes joint employers and another one […]
3 posts
By Linda H. Evans, Senior Associate. Back in 2009 in response to the H1N1 virus, the EEOC issued some guidance on pandemic preparedness in the workplace and the ADA. While the Ebola and H1N1 viruses are not identical, there are similarities in how employers should respond. First, the employer […]
By Linda H. Evans, Senior Associate. This has been a busy year in the labor and employment law arena. And it is a good time to be sure your employee handbook is changing with the times! Here are a few areas that may need revising in your handbook: […]